Async: Part 2

    2024-12-05 (last edit: 2022-05-23)

    Reinventing futures

    We recently got our feet wet with the async/await functionality of Rust by using the Tokio library. With this basic understanding of what we expect out of futures, let's try to come up with their details ourselves.

    We know that, when asked, a future can either give us a ready value or still be waiting for it. Asking about the future's result is called polling. Our future could look something like this:

    trait SimpleFuture {
        type Output;
        fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Output>;
    enum Poll<T> {

    The poll method can be called to check for the result of the future. There is a flaw in this however - whatever is coordinating our future-based computations will have to constantly poll each of them in hope they are ready to do some work.

    trait SimpleFuture {
        type Output;
        fn poll(&mut self, wake: fn()) -> Poll<Self::Output>;

    We can solve this by attaching a callback to our polling. The wake function passed to poll can be used to notify whoever issued the poll that the future is ready to make some progress and should be polled.

    Let's picture a quick example of how our SimpleFuture could be used.

    pub struct SocketRead<'a> {
        socket: &'a Socket,
    impl SimpleFuture for SocketRead<'_> {
        type Output = Vec<u8>;
        fn poll(&mut self, wake: fn()) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
            if self.socket.has_data_to_read() {
                // The socket has data -- read it into a buffer and return it.
            } else {
                // The socket does not yet have data.
                // Arrange for `wake` to be called once data is available.
                // When data becomes available, `wake` will be called, and the
                // user of this `Future` will know to call `poll` again and
                // receive data.

    Combining futures

    With the SimpleFuture at our disposal we can easily model more advanced concurrent computations.

    /// Concurrency is achieved via the fact that calls to `poll` each future
    /// may be interleaved, allowing each future to advance itself at its own pace.
    pub struct Join<FutureA, FutureB> {
        // Each field may contain a future that should be run to completion.
        // If the future has already completed, the field is set to `None`.
        // This prevents us from polling a future after it has completed, which
        // would violate the contract of the `Future` trait.
        a: Option<FutureA>,
        b: Option<FutureB>,
    impl<FutureA, FutureB> SimpleFuture for Join<FutureA, FutureB>
        FutureA: SimpleFuture<Output = ()>,
        FutureB: SimpleFuture<Output = ()>,
        type Output = ();
        fn poll(&mut self, wake: fn()) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
            // Attempt to complete future `a`.
            if let Some(a) = &mut self.a {
                if let Poll::Ready(()) = a.poll(wake) {
            // Attempt to complete future `b`.
            if let Some(b) = &mut self.b {
                if let Poll::Ready(()) = b.poll(wake) {
            if self.a.is_none() && self.b.is_none() {
                // Both futures have completed -- we can return successfully
            } else {
                // One or both futures returned `Poll::Pending` and still have
                // work to do. They will call `wake()` when progress can be made.

    We can also queue futures like this:

    pub struct AndThenFut<FutureA, FutureB> {
        first: Option<FutureA>,
        second: FutureB,
    impl<FutureA, FutureB> SimpleFuture for AndThenFut<FutureA, FutureB>
        FutureA: SimpleFuture<Output = ()>,
        FutureB: SimpleFuture<Output = ()>,
        type Output = ();
        fn poll(&mut self, wake: fn()) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
            if let Some(first) = &mut self.first {
                match first.poll(wake) {
                    // We've completed the first future -- remove it and start on
                    // the second!
                    Poll::Ready(()) => self.first.take(),
                    // We couldn't yet complete the first future.
                    Poll::Pending => return Poll::Pending,
            // Now that the first future is done, attempt to complete the second.


    The last example assumes that both futures are already constructed. In practice, however, we often want to chain futures that use the results of their predecessors, like this - get_breakfast().and_then(|food| eat(food));. Try implementing this behavior by adding a new method to the SimpleFuture trait called and_then and something that models this sequential computation (like the previous AndThenFut future).

    The real deal

    We weren't far from the actual way Rust's futures are structured. The Future trait looks as follows:

    trait Future {
        type Output;
        fn poll(
            // Note the change from `&mut self` to `Pin<&mut Self>`:
            self: Pin<&mut Self>,
            // and the change from `wake: fn()` to `cx: &mut Context<'_>`:
            cx: &mut Context<'_>,
        ) -> Poll<Self::Output>;

    There are two differences here. Firstly, we use a context instead of a standalone wake method. Since this callback was just a simple function pointer, there was no way for it to hold any data pertaining to which future called it. Secondly, we take self as a Pin<>. This enables us to create immovable futures - we will go into it later.

    Coordinating futures - waker & executor

    Using wakers and context

    We will follow the steps in the book to make a future that runs a separate thread that sleeps for a given duration and only then returns a result.


    We will follow the steps in the book to create our own executor to run our futures on.

    Obligatory reading

    Additional reading