Ownership Model

    2024-10-10 (last edit: 2024-10-08)

    Why all the fuss?

    Even if you've never seen Rust code before, chances are you still heard the term borrow checker or something about Rust's ownership. Indeed, Rust's ownership model lies at the very core of its uniqueness. But to fully understand it and appreciate it, let's first take a look at how memory management is handled in most popular languages.

    • Garbage Collection - in many high-level programming languages, like Java, Haskell or Python, memory management is done fully by the language, relieving the programmer from this burden. This prevents memory leaks and memory related errors (like use after free), but does come at a cost - there is a runtime overhead, both memory and performance wise, caused by the constantly running garbage collection algorithms and the programmer usually has very little control over when the garbage collection takes place. Also, garbage collection does not prevent concurrency-related errors, such as data races, in any way.

    • Mind your own memory - in low-level languages and specific ones like C++, performance comes first so we cannot really afford to run expansive bookkeeping and cleaning algorithms. Most of these languages compile directly to machine code and have no language-specific runtime environment. That means that the only place where memory management can happen is in the produced code. While compilers insert these construction and destruction calls for stack allocated memory, it generally requires a lot of discipline from the programmer to adhere to good practices and patterns to avoid as many memory related issues as possible and one such bug can be quite deadly to the program and a nightmare to find and fix. These languages basically live by the "your memory, your problem" mantra.

    And then we have Rust. Rust is a systems programming language and in many ways it's akin to C++ - it's basically low-level with many high-level additions. But unlike C++, it doesn't exactly fall into either of the categories described above, though it's way closer to the second one. It performs no additional management at runtime, but instead imposes a set of rules on the code, making it easier to reason about and thus check for its safety and correctness at compile time - these rules make up Rust's ownership model.

    In a way, programming in Rust is like pair-programming with a patient and very experienced partner. Rust's compiler will make sure you follow all the good patterns and practices (by having them ingrained in the language itself) and very often even tell you how to fix the issues it finds.

    Disclaimer: when delving deeper into Rust below we will make heavy use of concepts like scopes, moving data, stack and heap, which should have been introduced as part of the C++ course. If you need a refresher of any of these, it's best to do so now, before reading further.

    Start with the basics - ownership

    In the paragraph above we mentioned a set of rules that comprise Rust's ownership model. The book starts off with the following three as its very foundation:

    1. Each value in Rust is tied to a specific variable - we call that variable its owner.

    2. There can only be one owner at a time.

    3. When the owner goes out of scope, the value will be destroyed (or in Rust terms - dropped).

    The third point might make you think about C++ and its automatic storage duration. We will later see that, while very similar at first, Rust expands on these mechanics quite a bit. The following code illustrates the basic version of this:

        let a: i32 = 5; // allocation on the stack, 'a' becomes an owner
        // do some stuff with 'a'
    } // 'a', the owner, goes out of scope and the value is dropped

    So far, so good. Variables are pushed onto the stack when they enter the scope and destroyed during stack unwinding that happens upon leaving their scope. However, allocating and deallocating simple integers doesn't impress anybody. Let's try something more complex:

        let s = String::from("a string"); // 's' is allocated on the stack, while its contents ("a string")
                                          // are allocated on the heap. 's' is the owner of this String object.
        // do some stuff with 's'
    } // 's', the owner, goes out of scope and the String is dropped, its heap allocated memory freed

    If you recall the RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) pattern from C++, the above is basically the same thing. We go two for two now in the similarity department, so... is Rust really any different then? There is a part of these examples that we skipped over - actually doing something with the values.

    Moving around is fun

    Let's expand on the last example. The scoping is not really important for that one, so we don't include it here.

    let s = String::from("a string"); // same thing, 's' is now an owner
    let s2 = s; // easy, 's2' becomes another owner... right?
    println!("And the contents are: {}", s); // this doesn't work, can you guess why?

    At first glance everything looks great. If we write this code (well, an equivalent of it) in basically any other popular language, it will compile no issue - but it does not here and there's a good reason why.

    To understand what's happening, we have to consult the rules again, rule 2 in particular. It says that there can only be one owner of any value at a given time. So, s and s2 cannot own the same object. Okay, makes sense, but what is happening in this line then - let s2 = s;? Experience probably tells you that s just gets copied into s2, creating a new String object. That would result in each variable owning its very own instance of the string and each instance having exactly one owner. Sounds like everyone should be happy now, but wait - in that case the last line should work no issue, right? But it doesn't, so can't be a copy. Let's see now what the compiler actually has to say:

    error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: `s`
     --> src/main.rs:6:42
    2 |     let s = String::from("a string");
      |         - move occurs because `s` has type `String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
    3 |
    4 |     let s2 = s;
      |              - value moved here
    5 |
    6 |     println!("And the contents are: {}", s);
      |                                          ^ value borrowed here after move

    "value moved here" - gotcha! So s is being moved to s2, which also means that s2 now becomes the new owner of the string being moved and s cannot be used anymore. In Rust, the default method of passing values around is by move, not by copy. While it may sound a bit odd at first, it actually has some very interesting implications. But before we get to them, let's fix our code, so it compiles now. To do so, we have to explicitly tell Rust to make a copy by invoking the clone method:

    let s = String::from("a string"); // 's' is an owner
    let s2 = s.clone(); // 's2' now contains its own copy
    println!("And the contents are: {}", s); // success!

    The compiler is happy now and so are we. The implicit move takes some getting used to, but the compiler is here to help us. Now, let's put the good, old C++ on the table again and compare the two lines:

    let s2 = s; is equivalent to auto s2 = std::move(s);

    let s2 = s.clone() is equivalent to auto s2 = s

    There are a few important things to note here:

    • Making a copy is oftentimes not cheap. Memory needs to be allocated and copied, and a call to the system has to be made. We should prefer to move things as much as possible to avoid this cost - in C++ we have a myriad of language features like std::move and r-references to achieve this. Every programmer worth their salt needs to be well versed in all of them to write efficient C++ code and simply forgetting one move can lead to significant performance loss (and this happens to even the most senior devs ever existing, let's not pretend). On the contrary, in Rust you need to make an effort to make a copy and that makes you very aware of the cost you're paying - something that we'll see quite a lot of in the language. Also, if you forget a clone there's no harm done - it just won't compile!

    • Hidden in all of this is another nice thing Rust gives us. In C++, nothing prevents you from using variables after they've been moved from, leading to unexpected errors in a more complex code. In Rust, that variable (in our case s) simply becomes invalid and the compiler gives us a nice error about it.

    But what about ints?

    A good question to ask. Copying primitives is cheap. And it's not convenient for the programmer to have to always write .clone() after every primitive. If we take a look at the error from the previous example:

    move occurs because `s` has type `String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait`

    It says that s was moved because the String type doesn't have the Copy trait. We will talk about traits more in depth in the future lessons, but what this basically means is that String is not specified to be copied by default. All primitive types (i32, bool, f64, char, etc.) and tuples consisting only of primitive types implement the Copy trait.


    How to fix that code?

    fn count_animals(num: u32, animal: String) {
        println!("{} {} ...", num, animal);
    fn main() {
      let s = String::from("sheep");
      count_animals(1, s);
      count_animals(2, s);
      count_animals(3, s);

    Let's borrow some books

    We now know how to move things around and how to clone them if moving is not possible. But what if making a copy is unnecessary - maybe we just want to let someone look at our resource and keep on holding onto it once they're done. Consider the following example:

    fn read_book(book: String) {
        println!("[Reading] {}", book);
    fn main() {
      let book = String::from("Merry lived in a big old house. The end.");
      println!("Book is still there: {}", book);

    Cloning is pretty excessive here. Imagine recommending a book to your friend and instead of lending it to them for the weekend, you scan it and print an exact copy. Not the best way to go about it, is it? Thankfully, Rust allows us to access a resource without becoming an owner through the use of references and the & operator. This is called a borrow.

    The adjusted code should look like this:

    fn read_book(book: &String) {
        println!("[Reading] {}", book);
    fn main() {
      let book = String::from("Merry lived in a big old house. The end.");
      println!("Book is still there: {}", book);

    As with everything, references are too, by default, immutable, which means that the read_book function is not able to modify that book passed into it. We can also borrow something mutably by specifying it both in the receiving function signature and the place it gets called. Maybe you want to have your book signed by its author?

    fn sign_book(book: &mut String) {
        book.push_str(" ~ Arthur Author");
    fn main() {
      // note that the book has to be marked as mutable in the first place
      let mut book = String::from("Merry lived in a big old house. The end.");
      sign_book(&mut book); // it's always clear when a parameter might get modified
      println!("{}", book); // book is now signed

    Pretty neat, but doesn't seem that safe right now. Let's try to surprise our friend:

    fn erase_book(book: &mut String) {
    fn read_book(book: &String) {
        println!("[Reading] {}", book);
    fn main() {
      let mut book = String::from("Merry lived in a big old house. The end.");
      let r = &book; // an immutable borrow
      erase_book(&mut book); // a mutable borrow
      read_book(r); // would be pretty sad to open a blank book when it was not
                    // what we borrowed initially
      println!("{}", book);

    Fortunately for us (and our poor friend just wanting to read), the compiler steps in and doesn't let us do that, printing the following message:

    error[E0502]: cannot borrow `book` as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable
      --> src/main.rs:14:14
    12 |   let r = &book; // an immutable borrow
       |           ----- immutable borrow occurs here
    13 |
    14 |   erase_book(&mut book); // a mutable borrow
       |              ^^^^^^^^^ mutable borrow occurs here
    15 |
    16 |   read_book(r); // would be pretty sad to open a blank book when it was not
       |             - immutable borrow later used here

    This is where the famous borrow checker comes in. To keep things super safe, Rust clearly states what can and cannot be done with references and tracks their lifetimes. Exactly one of the following is always true for references to a given resource:

    • There exists only one mutable reference and no immutable references, or

    • There is any number of immutable references and no mutable ones.

    You may notice a parallel to the readers - writers problem from concurrent programming. In fact, the way Rust's borrow checker is designed lends itself incredibly well to preventing data race related issues.

    Dangling references

    Rust also checks for dangling references. If we try to compile the following code:

    fn main() {
        let reference_to_nothing = dangle();
    fn dangle() -> &String {
        let s = String::from("hello");

    we will get an adequate error:

    error[E0106]: missing lifetime specifier
     --> src/main.rs:5:16
    5 | fn dangle() -> &String {
      |                ^ expected named lifetime parameter
      = help: this function's return type contains a borrowed value, but there is no value for it to be borrowed from
    help: consider using the `'static` lifetime
    5 | fn dangle() -> &'static String {
      |                ^^^^^^^^

    The message above suggests specifing a lifetime for the returned string. In Rust, the lifetime of each variable is also a part of its type, but we will talk more about it later.


    Our previous solution using clone() was pretty inefficient. How should this code look now?

    fn count_animals(num: u32, animal: String) {
        println!("{} {} ...", num, animal);
    fn main() {
      let s = String::from("sheep");
      count_animals(1, s.clone());
      count_animals(2, s.clone());
      count_animals(3, s); // we could've ommitted the clone() here. Why?

    Everyone gets a slice

    The last part of working with references that we will cover in this lesson are slices. A slice in Rust is a view over continuous data. Let us start with a string slice - the &str type.

    Note: for the purposes of these examples we assume we are working with ASCII strings. More comprehensive articles on handling strings are linked at the end of this lesson.

    To create a string slice from the String object s, we can simply write:

    let slice = &s[1..3]; // creates a slice of length 2, starting with the character at index 1

    This makes use of the & operator and Rust's range notation to specify the beginning and end of the slice. Thus, we can also write:

    let slice = &s[2..];    // everything from index 2 till the end
    let slice = &s[..1];    // only the first byte
    let slice = &s[..];     // the whole string as a slice
    let slice = s.as_str(); // also the whole string

    You might have noticed that we always built String values using the from() method and never actually used the string literals directly. What type is a string literal then? Turns out it's the new string slice we just learned about!

    let slice: &str = "string literal";

    In fact, it makes a lot sense - string literals, after all, are not allocated on the heap, but rather placed in a special section of the resulting binary. It's only natural we just reference that place with a slice.

    Slices can also be taken from arrays:

    let array: [i32; 4] = [42, 10, 5, 2]; // creates an array of four 32 bit integers
    let slice: &[i32] = &array[1..3];     // results in a slice [10, 5]


    Can this code still be improved from the previous version utilizing references? Think about the signature of count_animals.

    fn count_animals(num: u32, animal: &String) {
        println!("{} {} ...", num, animal);
    fn main() {
      let s = String::from("sheep");
      count_animals(1, &s);
      count_animals(2, &s);
      count_animals(3, &s);

    Further reading

    Assignment 1 (graded)

    ordering in Van Binh

    Deadline: 16.10.2024 23:59